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For organisations, businesses and groups

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Queremos que todas las naciones costeras aborden urgentemente la pesca de arrastre de fondo, con evidencia de una huella reducida a nivel mundial para 2030. Para ayudar a lograr este objetivo, hacemos un llamamiento a los Estados, en consulta con las organizaciones de trabajadores de la pesca y otras partes interesadas, para:

Establish, expand and strengthen national inshore exclusion zones (IEZs) for small-scale fishers in which bottom trawling is prohibited.

Prohibit bottom trawling in all marine protected areas (outside IEZs) to ensure vulnerable habitats and ecosystems are effectively protected and recovered.

End subsidised bottom trawling and support a fair transition.

Prohibit the expansion of bottom trawling to new, untrawled areas, unless and until it can be proven that there are no significant adverse impacts.


Queremos que todas las naciones costeras aborden urgentemente la pesca de arrastre de fondo, con evidencia de una huella reducida a nivel mundial para 2030.

Join the coalition

If your group, business or organisation is interested in joining the coalition, please complete the membership application form below and we’ll be in touch.

Keep up to date with the coalition via our newsletter

Keep up to date with the coalition’s latest news, events and campaigns. By signing up to the newsletter you agree to receive emails from the Transform Bottom Trawling Coalition on issues related to coalition. Your contact information will not be shared or publicised.

Únete a la coalición

Complete el formulario y nos pondremos en contacto con usted si tiene más preguntas.

Submit a testimony

Thank you for your interest in submitting a Fisher Testimony. Please add your details below and the coalition coordinator will contact you to discuss.