Report highlights urgent need to end bottom trawling

In a new report “Bottom Trawling: New perspectives on an old fishing practice”, TBT Coaltion members FFI and Blue Ventures joins a collaboration of world-leading fisheries scientists and ocean experts in calling for constructive pathways forward to tackle the impacts of bottom trawling, arguably the most pervasive, contentious and environmentally damaging of global fishing practices.

Blue Justice for Small-Scale Fisheries: A Virtual Tour

In a series of videos produced by the TBT Coalition, artisanal fishers in Liberia share their perspectives on the impacts of bottom trawling on their livelihoods and the benefits of a 6 nautical mile inshore exclusion zone (IEZ). The TBT Coalition contributed these videos to TBTI’s Blue Justice for Small-Scale Fisheries celebration on World Fisheries […]

COP forum reopens Scot Inshore debate

The TBT Coaltion’s panel event at COP26 brought together perspectives from Belize, Senegal, the EU and Scotland to explore “Bottom trawling and a zero carbon future: what needs to change?” The discussion included renewed calls for a Scottish three mile limit. Watch the full recording here.

COP26: Bottom trawling and the climate crisis

Reducing the carbon footprint of bottom trawling requires bold action from governments, and collaboration between fishers and environmentalists, writes Dr Steve Rocliffe, senior technical adviser at Blue Ventures, a founding member of the TBT Coalition.

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