At The Tipping Point
Senegal’s rich fisheries historically played a vital role in employing around 600,000 people and feeding the nation’s rapidly growing population of nearly 17 million people.
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Research briefing 01: Bottom trawling and the climate crisis
Bottom trawling has long attracted attention and debate for its impacts on non-target species and seafloor habitats, and is thought to be the most widespread cause of human disturbance to these habitats. In recent years, concerns have also been raised about bottom trawling’s potential contributions to the climate crisis. This new briefing summarises this emerging field of research, outlining the known major impacts from bottom trawling on greenhouse gas emissions and identifying key mitigation opportunities.
Senegal’s rich fisheries historically played a vital role in employing around 600,000 people and feeding the nation’s rapidly growing population of nearly 17 million people.
In Thailand, bottom trawling threatens livelihoods, food security and ocean ecosystems. One particularly destructive form of bottom trawling, known as pair trawling, is responsible for
In a new report “Bottom Trawling: New perspectives on an old fishing practice”, coalition members Blue Ventures and Flora and Fauna International joins a collaboration
Bottom trawling has long attracted attention and debate for its impacts on non-target species and seafloor habitats, and is thought to be the most widespread
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