Transform Bottom Trawling Newsletter – November 2023

Bottom trawling – the practice of dragging weighted nets, metal plates and chains along the seabed to catch fish – is associated with a host of environmental impacts. It is the only fishing method that disturbs seabed ecosystems, catches large numbers of non-target animals, and is associated with driving fish population declines. These unique characteristics, […]

Transform Bottom Trawling Newsletter – September 2023

Against a backdrop of increasingly frequent extreme weather events, accelerating extinction rates and rapidly rising ocean temperatures, it is becoming increasingly obvious that business-as-usual bottom trawling cannot continue. We must come together to mitigate the damage of climate stresses on our ocean floor, coral reefs and vulnerable ecosystems. Bottom trawlers produce more waste than any […]

Transform Bottom Trawling Newsletter – July 2023

The vast depths of our oceans are out of sight and out of mind for most of us. But for small-scale fishers and fishworkers, the human activities that impact life in our seas affect them on a daily basis. Healthy marine ecosystems underpin fishers’ livelihoods, and much of the vast diversity of life in our […]

Transform Bottom Trawling Newsletter – May 2023

The label ‘bottom trawling’ encompasses a vast diversity of fishing practices operating across scales of industrialisation, from vast factory vessels ploughing seamounts in the Pacific to small ‘kiss’ trawlers scouring seagrass meadows in the Mediterranean. There are specific issues associated with each variation of bottom trawling and while we need bespoke solutions to accommodate local nuances, all bottom trawlers are united […]

Transform Bottom Trawling Newsletter – March 2023

Building on the flurry of fisheries and biodiversity-focused events in 2023, which many were calling the ‘ocean super year’, members of the TBT Coalition are ratcheting up the pressure on coastal states across the globe to end the harm caused by bottom trawling and restore our oceans. In February, members of the coalition descended on […]

Transform Bottom Trawling Newsletter – Sept/Oct 2022

As the world’s attention shifts to the UN climate and biodiversity COPs, it’s clearer than ever that we need bold action to address the unprecedented crisis facing our lands and seas. In our oceans, industrial bottom trawlers and dredgers continue to have an outsized impact on the lives of coastal communities, carbon emissions, ecosystem decline, […]

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