Uniting organisations to end destructive bottom trawling in Senegal

On the 12th of October, Transform Bottom Trawling Coalition representatives attended the launch event for the Environmental Justice Foundation’s new investigative report into the environmental and socio-economic impacts of bottom trawling in Senegal. We were delighted to see Mr Selle Mbengue, Director of the Department of Management and Exploitation of the Deep Sea, and Mr […]
More than 150,000 Europeans call on EU to ban bottom-trawling to protect ocean and climate

A giant colourful pop-up book depicting the devastation caused by destructive bottom trawling – and how the marine environment thrives in its absence – was delivered to European Union (EU) Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius by NGOs, on behalf of more than 150,000 Europeans who have signed a petition calling for the EU to phase out destructive […]
Why bottom trawling must be banned by the EU

Steve Trent, Founder and CEO of the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), calls on the EU to introduce stronger restrictions on bottom trawling, particularly in marine protected areas. EJF is a founding member of the TBT Coalition.