Shrimp return to the locally managed bay in northern Madagascar
In Madagascar’s Tsimpaika bay, community-led habitat restoration coupled with appropriate fishing regulations – including a ban on shrimp trawling within 2nm of the coast – has revived an important coastal fishery.
Reflecting on the decline of local fisheries and turtle populations due to bottom trawling in Malindi , Kenya
Lali Mohamed Lali is an ecotourism operator working from Malindi on Kenya’s central coast. He wants to see an end to coastal bottom trawling due to the damage it has inflicted on local fisheries and turtle populations, which impacts his livelihood.
How bottom trawling has affected turtles and small-scale fisheries around Sabaki Bridge, Kenya
Mwakia Mgao Makazi has witnessed the decline in fisheries’ catches and turtle nesting acticity since bottom trawlers started fishing in her community’s fishing grounds and calls on fisheries managers to restrict the practice to revive coastal livelihoods.
A call for government action on bottom trawlers to protect small-scale fishers’ rights in Malindi, Kenya
Yunus Aboud is Chair of the Shela Beach Management Unit (BMU) in Malindi, Kenya. As chair of the BMU, he is respinsible for the sustainable management of his community’s local marine resources. He’s struggling to find a path forward to address the tensions between bottom trawlers, which are damaging coastal ecosystems and degrading local fisheries, […]
The impacts of bottom trawling on fishworkers in Somalia
Nadifo Mohamud Jama describes how the arrival of foreign-owned bottom trawlers have damaged fishing grounds around Bander Beyla and undermined small-scale fisheries. She wants to see the government act to address illegal fishing by investing in enforcement activities.
The impacts of bottom trawling on small-scale fishers Somalia
In the past, fishers in Ahmed Ismail Abdi’s community in Bander Beyla would catch large volumes of fish. But since the arrival of industrail bottom trawlers which ‘sweep like brooms’, catches have fallen dramatically. He wants the government to take action to protect Bander Beyla’s important coastal fisheries.