Media Library - user and contributor terms and conditions

For organisations, businesses and groups

Keep up to date with the coalition’s latest news, events and campaigns


The impacts of bottom trawling are often out of sight and out of mind. 

If destruction equivalent to that of industrial trawling were to happen on land, there would be public shock and anger. But industrial trawling is out of sight and mind for good reason: it is particularly difficult to film or photograph its impacts. Industrial vessels rarely give access, there are few fishing grounds that are not already heavily degraded by trawling, and gathering underwater evidence is costly and often dangerous.

To raise awareness of the damage that bottom trawling can inflict on marine ecosystems and coastal communities, the coalition has pooled a bank of multimedia assets to support media campaigns aligned with our call to action and platform coalition members’ work.

The Media Library

The Media Library bank collates links to images, videos, short films and audio (podcasts, interviews etc.) from Transform Bottom Trawling coalition members (and select external contributors) and provides a searchable database to find and access such assets. End-users of the site are able to search, view and in some cases download and/or modify and reuse assets that are available in the Library.

In the majority of cases, assets found within the Library are not hosted by Transform Bottom Trawling and remain externally hosted. The Library merely embeds resources that are already available online or link directly to an external webpage.

In order to facilitate external organisations and individuals (ie journalists) to cover the coalition’s activities, some assets will be made available for downloading and modification.

User types


End-user refers to any visitor to the site who accesses the Library. An end-user is able to search and view any asset made available online (exclusive of any additional requirements made by the host platform, e.g restrictions placed on users by Vimeo/YouTube). An end-user is also able to, in some instances, download resources from the Library. Downloading resources gives the end-user some additional permissions, depending on the licensing terms set out on each asset page.


Contributors refer to any copyright holder whose material is made searchable via the asset bank. Contributors may not necessarily have actively submitted material to the asset bank. Instead, their publicly available material may have been added (under existing licensing terms) to the asset bank by website administrators.

In other cases, contributors may have actively submitted material for inclusion in the asset bank, with additional licensing granted to end-users.

How to contribute a media asset:

If you wish to contribute a media asset, please complete the following online form – which takes you through the process of submitting an asset. If you wish your submission to be made ‘downloadable’ and/or ‘downloadable and modifiable’ you must be able to confirm that you are the original copyright holder of all the material included in each submission and that you are happy for end-users to be able to use the material as set out in the licencing terms and conditions.

How to download a media asset

To download an asset, complete the form on each asset page (if available). You will then be asked to agree to the licensing terms and conditions. Following the agreement, you will be emailed a link to download the asset.

Licence types and terms:

Assets hosted externally (i.e on Youtube/Vimeo or on another website) will maintain any existing licensing and copyright regulations that apply. Please refer to the copyright holder/web hoster for more information about what these licensing terms may be.

Assets that are downloadable from the Library have been made downloadable by the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Downloadable assets will fall into two categories; downloadable only, or downloadable and modifiable.

Downloadable only grants the end-user the following Creative Commons licence:

This means you are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:


Full terms

Downloadable and modifiable grants the end-user the following Creative Commons licence:

This means you are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


Full terms

For organisations, businesses and groups

Join the coalition

If your group, business or organisation is interested in joining the coalition, please complete the membership application form below and we’ll be in touch.

Keep up to date with the coalition via our newsletter

Keep up to date with the coalition’s latest news, events and campaigns. By signing up to the newsletter you agree to receive emails from the Transform Bottom Trawling Coalition on issues related to coalition. Your contact information will not be shared or publicised.

Submit a testimony

Thank you for your interest in submitting a Fisher Testimony. Please add your details below and the coalition coordinator will contact you to discuss.