
For organisations, businesses and groups

Keep up to date with the coalition’s latest news, events and campaigns


Tackling bottom trawling and restoring our oceans cannot be achieved by individuals and organisations working alone. Instead, we need a strong and diverse global movement with small-scale fishers and coastal communities at its heart.

The Transform Bottom Trawling (TBT) Coalition is building this movement by developing and supporting campaigns across the globe that advance the coalition’s objectives.

We ensure that members have access to the funding, technical support and networks they need to lead impactful campaigns that are attuned to local dynamics, advocate for the rights of coastal communities, and promote practical policy solutions.
Together, these campaigns are driving the movement to tackle bottom trawling and restore our oceans.

Learn about the campaigns we’re leading and supporting below.

The Transform Bottom Trawling (TBT) Coalition has been working alongside Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE), the outdoor company Patagonia and a collection of small-scale fisher (SSF) groups and non-governmental organisations from across Europe to deliver the #MakeFishingFair campaign.

TUBE AWU is implementing a mechanism to control and monitor illegal trawling activities within the Manyange Na Elombo Campo marine protected area. The organisation’s goal is to halt incursions while promoting sustainable fishing within the park, so local communities can benefit from the protection the MPA offers.

KNTI is launching the “Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods Through Responsible Fishing Practices” project to tackle illegal bottom trawling in Eastern Indonesia, which threatens marine ecosystems and small-scale fishers’ livelihoods.

Dakshin is launching “Where’s the catch? Charting sustainability pathways for just transformations in trawl fisheries in Palk Bay, India”, to highlight the complex issues around trawl fisheries in the biodiverse Palk Bay region of India and inform inclusive policies for sustainable transformations in the sector.

CaFGOAG is launching the Fishers’ Rights Project to secure small-scale fishers’ rights through equitable fisheries co-management. Starting in four coastal communities in each coastal region, the project will strengthen the call to tackle bottom trawling in Ghana, which decimates fish populations, undermines small-scale fisheries and jeopardises coastal communities’ welfare.

With support from the TBT Coalition Grants Programme, VSFW is launching a project to drive a just transition away from bottom trawling in the Tonkin Gulf. Working with syndicate members in three coastal communities, VSFW will conduct a baseline assessment of bottom trawling’s extent and impacts, including levels of bycatch, plastic pollution, livelihood impacts and the prevalence of illegal trawling.

Join the coalition

If your group, business or organisation is interested in joining the coalition, please complete the membership application form below and we’ll be in touch.

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Submit a testimony

Thank you for your interest in submitting a Fisher Testimony. Please add your details below and the coalition coordinator will contact you to discuss.